
November 6, 2010
Important: Knowing the difference between cold and flu symptoms will help you buy the correct OTC medication.

COLD                                FLU
(Rhinovirus)                        (Influenza)

Sneezing                          Fever
Stuffy nose                       Body aches
Sore throat                       Chest pain
Coughing                          Chills
Last for 7 days                  Last for 14 days
Helpful tip provided by Dr. Neil Schachter: Any symptom above the neck is generally a cold, any symptom below the neck is generally a flu.

Dr Oz showed an example of what happens when you do get infected with a cold or virus.  The trachea gets infected, which can begin to infect the lungs.  And if your lungs get infected, it starts off usually as bronchitis but can turn into Pneumonia.  Dr Oz said that most people who die from these infections actually die from Pneumonia.



November 5, 2010
This Blog goes for those upcoming future pharmacy technicians! I know it is difficult to enroll in a pharmacy technician course with this present recession but did you know NPTA, National Pharmacy Technician Association offers "online pharmacy technician certificate program" for an affordable tuition price of $2,299. This is affordable because my tuition was 8,000 and still paying. Good luck on your journeys! And yes this offer is legit!

For more information click the provided link: http://www...
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November 2, 2010
People Check Your Childrens Halloween Candy

Well quess what! I have food allergies and it comes to find out that this occured from the Halloween candy I ate (I pretty much ate lots of chocolate <reeses's cups>  OPPPS :). Now my face is all red, warm, rashy, itchy...even my arms, am taking Benadryl allergy relief and some Cortisone for the itchiness. PLEASE check your candy (throw away any expired candy or open candy)..thank goodness I ended up with the expired chocolate rather th...
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November 1, 2010


Hey Techs I want to introduce you guys to this website that offers 3000 + PTCB practice questions for an affordable price. I checked out these questions myself and I have to say they are similar towards the actual exam questions. It is multiple choice and provides a timer to practice managing your time because you will be timed for the actual exam. They also provide quiz categories such as calculations, pharmacology, participating administration, naming, pharmacy law, and finally ...
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October 29, 2010
LEARN CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

Here is a helpful step by step link on how to perform CPR on adults, children and infants. Important as well because you never know if your patient will need CPR in the pharmacy or even outside and home. Take a look at this link, I am positive this will benefit you and help you be prepare. ALWAYS STAY CALM
For your local state CPR classes you can visit
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October 28, 2010
What should you do if someone has a seizure! (A must read, this can happen to a patient in the pharmacy line or waiting area)

1) Guide the person on the floor, make sure he/she does not hit head and avoid being around furniture or any hazards
2) Put a cushion or jacket under their head, to avoid head injury while having a seizure on the floor
3) Roll the person onto their side, to avoid them to choke on their own vomit
4) Watch them carefully and keep calm, try to figure the length of time he/she...
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October 28, 2010
InstyMeds New Medication Dispensing Vending Machine: "Do it yourself machine"
Easy to use step by step for patients who need there medications quickly or need medications at night when usually some pharmacies are closed. Its a 24/7 hour machine with a phone attached to it for any help assistance. Accepts any type of insurance including government insurance. Common medications are dispensed in this machine such as antibiotics, antihistamines, inhalers, pain relievers, etc and OTC medications. T...
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October 26, 2010

  • The term druggist refers to pharmacist 
  • There were soda fountains in almost every pharmacy for people to socialize
  • Many fountain drinks made by early druggists contained cocaine & caffeine used to cure headaches in the 1850's.
  • Every drug was over the counter, no soda fountain broke the law towards selling cocaine derived drinks but in 1914 OTC products that contained cocaine & opiates were banned by a law called the "Harrison Narcotic Act".
  • Dr. Frederick Banting ...

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October 22, 2010

What is the flu (Influenza)?
A disease of the lungs that can lead to pneumonia. An infection that causes fever, chills, cough, body ache, headaches, fatigue, earaches at times. The flu has specific strains (bacteria spread around) that may be the cause of people getting ill in the fall seasons.

What is pneumonia?
A serious health condition of the lungs that is filled with fluids making it very hard for oxygen in the lungs reach the blood stream, this condition is caused by viruses or bacteria. T...
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October 14, 2010
Answering Pharmacy Incoming Calls

It is very important to answer pharmacy incoming calls in a professional manner. Why? Well because when a pharmacist or technician answers the phone in a rude manner or in a lazy manner, patients will feel like we are not doing our jobs or may feel they are not important to us so they will think "why should I leave my health on their hands". They will also feel uncomfortable and will not ask any questions towards their medications, they will just want to leave...
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