
December 21, 2010
Ladies! How to prevent a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Having a UTI can be a stressful situation and as women we have it harder to take care of ourselves. We go through so many changes but here are just a few tips to help prevent it or if you have one! UTI's are caused by bacteria entering in your urinary system.

Tip 1: Drinking cranberry juice and water helps because cranberries have 2 substances called fructose and proanthocyanidins that work together as a antibacterial property that delivers directly to the bladder.
Tip 2: Eating yogurt helps because it allows you to receive good bacteria in your urinary tract
Tip 3: Urinate before and after sexual intercourse because it releases bad bacteria
Tip 4: Try to shower after sexual intercourse to cleanse bacteria
Tip 5: Wipe from front to back when using the restroom
Tip 6: Using baby wipes to cleanse is a good way to have a good hygiene, it's a fast way to cleanse when you do not have time to shower after sexual intercourse. It works!

If you have a UTI, and it does not seem to get better please contact your doctor.



December 21, 2010
The difference between a stroke, heart attack & cardiac arrest

Reason why I posted this blog was because many people think a heart attack is the same as a stroke which it is clearly not the same.

Is a blockage in an artery that supplies blood to the brain. When a clot forms in one of the arteries and stops blood flow, a section of the brain begins to die in other words the brain can not work properly such as having trouble with vision, speaking, balance, etc. Most of the time a stoke af...
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December 18, 2010
Antibiotics Taken With Birth Control

As most women know, we cannot take antibiotics while on birth control. Why? Well it is possible that antibiotics may increase the break up of the estrogen (therefore you may not be getting the right amount) or because antibiotics can mess with the GI Flora (therefore the amount of estrogen circulating may be reduced) making birth control ineffective. You have a good chance of getting pregnant.

What's GI Flora: GI flora means Gastrointestinal Flora, it's pret...
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December 18, 2010
The truth about "Hydrogen Peroxide"

We all been knowing for years that Hydrogen Peroxide can disinfect cuts/wounds. We can all agree that our parents often poured Hydrogen Peroxide on our cuts as a child, but that may all be a myth. Basically what I am trying to say, Hydrogen Peroxide does not disinfect cuts/wounds. If you watch Dr.Oz and The Doctors on TV then you will know what I'm talking about but If you don't here is why Hydrogen Peroxide does not work on cuts.

Hydrogen Peroxide does not h...
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December 15, 2010

Now offering calculations practice only sign up


For more information visit

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December 15, 2010
Some questions??? to ask yourself, in case you experience these type of situations in the pharmacy. You will definitely encounter these situations! (feel free to contact me for advice towards these type of situations)

  1. When preparing prescriptions for a patient with limited vision, what are some things you can do to help differentiate between his medications?
  2. How would you to communicate with a patient who is hearing impaired?
  3. How would you take action when patients are angry or upset?
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November 23, 2010
Hey want to play some pharmacy games online! Visit
[] Name of game is [Generation RX]

[] Name of game [Bacteria Tower Defense]

My opinion towards this game: is kind of confusing but hey give it a try you might get it. It's all about antibiotics and the game benefits you by learning your antibiotics.

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November 19, 2010
Tablet/Capsule Counting Machine VS. Counting Tray
                                    (Antibiotics Edition)

 As you can see these two methods above can be use to count tablets and capsules except for one thing some pharmacies do not allow any pharmacy staff to count antibiotics in a counting machine. It is much safer to count on a counting tray by 5's.
Why? Antibiotics are the most popular category of drugs to cause allergies in other words many people are allergic to antibiotics such...

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November 10, 2010
UPDATE: Hey! My allergy reaction was due to environmental contact so basically I had "contact dermatitis". I was prescribed 2 medications below. I must say I feel and look better. Lets learn from my medication by calculating the day supply!

RX: Benadryl (diphenhydramine) 50mg capsules
Sig: Take one capsule by mouth every 6 hours
Quantity: 15 capsules
Classification: Anti-histamine
Treatment: Allergies, common cold, itching, hives, rashes, etc
NOTE: May cause drowsiness (which it did for me, I'm all...
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November 9, 2010
People tend to buy syringes without a prescription at their local pharmacies but each state has certain laws and guidelines when buying these syringes. Lets use Illinois for an example:
A hypodermic needle is a hollow needle commonly used for a syringe to inject substances into the body or extract liquids from it such as people injecting insulin. They may also be used to take liquid samples ex) taking blood from a vein.

In Illinois  The Hypodermic Syringes and Needles Act was passed on 1955 sta...
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