Military Time 



I have inserted a military time table below because I know there are math problems that involve such these time conversions. To help you convert, you can  simply study the chart or calculate it yourself as I will review as well.

Quick Facts:

  • Military time is used in hospital settings
  • Military and regular time express minutes and seconds the same way but hours are expressed differently
  • When expressed by minutes or seconds in military time it divides the time in colons such as

        1300:42 (1300 = hour and 42 = minutes) > 1:42 pm

        1300:42:10 (1300 = hour, 42 = minutes, and 10 = seconds)

  • 00 equals to midnight in military time as you can see it in the chart below, so lets use an example 0005 > This means it's 12:05 am in regular time



Regular Time Military Time Regular Time Military Time
Midnight 0000 Noon 1200
1:00 a.m. 0100 1:00 p.m. 1300
2:00 a.m. 0200 2:00 p.m. 1400
3:00 a.m. 0300 3:00 p.m 1500
4:00 a.m. 0400 4:00 p.m. 1600
5:00 a.m. 0500 5:00 p.m. 1700
6:00 a.m. 0600 6:00 p.m. 1800
7:00 a.m. 0700 7:00 p.m. 1900
8:00 a.m. 0800 8:00 p.m. 2000
9:00 a.m. 0900 9:00 p.m. 2100
10:00 a.m. 1000 10:00 p.m. 2200
11:00 a.m. 1100 11:00 p.m. 2300


This is how to calculate without looking at the chart! 



Converting regular time to military time in pm:

Add 12

[EX] 5 pm


            5 :00

      +  12:00 

             17 : 00     in military time


[EX] 7 pm



     + 12:00    

       19:00    in military time


 We won't have to use this method to convert regular time in am to military time because as you can see in the chart it seems very simple to express. 6 am is expressed 0600, 7 am is expressed 0700, and so on.





Converting military time to regular time in pm:

Substract 12

[EX] 1700



      -  12:00 

           5:00 pm   in regular time


[EX] 1900



       - 12:00 

             7:00 pm    in regular time



        Let's use a math question that involves military time


  • Rx: Drug "A" 250mg/5ml

               # 150 ml

      Sig: i tbsp 0800, i tbsp 2000 2d


What is the day supply?


*1 tbsp = 15ml, so he is taking two doses of 15ml. 15ml + 15ml = 30ml x 2day = 60 ml total

*150 ml / 60 ml = 3 day supply


How far apart (in hrs) is his second dose?

0800 = 8am

2000 = 8pm   --->     20:00

                              - 12:00

                                  8:00 pm


*Second dose is 12 hours apart