
October 10, 2010
Intramuscular (IM): Injection given directly in the muscle <EX> Flu shot

Intravenous (IV): Injection given directly in the vein <EX> Protonix IV (Pantoprazole sodium) treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Subcutaneous (SC / SQ): Injection given directly beneath the skin <EX> Heparin Sodium Injection, USP an anticoagulant drug



October 8, 2010
Why you should not flush expired medications down the toilet

Flushing medications down the toilet can create a potential public health hazard by allowing drugs to get into the water supply. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proved that such medications can harm the environment and society. Safest place to throw medications is in the trash can. Make sure you put the trash can some where away from children to avoid medical attention especially toddlers since they are curious about t...
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October 7, 2010
There are many techs wondering what is the difference between the PTCB Exam and the ExCPT Exam. Here is a detail link below with comparisons. Hope this answers your questions!

**A huge difference would be that the ExCPT Exam cost less and it is less required to have in some states. ExCPT is less popular than the PTCB, but that is soon changing. Both tests focuses in pharmacy technician subjects but in a different perspective.
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October 6, 2010
Pharmacy Techs! Have you guys ever wonder why we ask patients for a state ID or driver's license when purchasing Claritin, Sudafed and other nasal decongestants, antacids, cold symptom relievers, and allergy medications on the shelf behind you (your pharmacy over the counter shelf) which drug and patient information is written in a logbook. Well this matter was made into a law passed by congress signed by President George Bush. That any over the counter drugs that have pseudoephedrine should ...
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October 4, 2010
Hey have you ever wonder if these so called online pharmacies are legit? Yes I know there are many online pharmacies, but here is how to know if this so called legit online pharmacy is valid.

Before buying medications online always look for this banner below, this means it is

Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice SitesCM (VIPPS®

A Program of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy

    For more information visit the VIPPS website:

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September 29, 2010
Here is my "How to get fit and healthy" link to read my diet journey article and hopefully it motivates and helps people out there. Health relates to pharmacy <<for those who are curious>> Check it out

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September 22, 2010
Pharmaceutical Johnson & Johnson did not mentioned deadly risks of the Ortho Evra Patch that may cause strokes and blood clots..**.for the entire detailed story please click link below**

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September 22, 2010
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September 9, 2010
Free Prescription Discount Card

The City of Chicago has launched a new program created to help area residents with the high cost of prescription medications. Sponsored by the National League of Cities (NLC), the free Prescription Discount Card program provides residents with a card that offers an average of 20 percent savings off the retail price of prescription medications.

The card can be used by those who do not have insurance or by those who have prescriptions not covered by insuranc...
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July 30, 2010

This topic is interesting to me because obesity is at a high percentage that can lead to a stroke, heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, even death. This is serious, some people do not understand how important it is to be healthy. Im sure we all have love ones who are going through this, but we have to get the message across that there are ways to get healthy and motivate them. I was once obese after conceiving my children, I felt depress and just felt ugly wi...
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